Monthly Invoices

All attending children’s families will receive monthly invoices from us, these list your funded hours entitlement, private fees charged, contribution owed and any additional learning experiences (eg. Outdoor Adventures). Therefore, invoices will fluctuate accordingly.


Our basic costs are primarily met by the ‘Early Years Entitlement’ grant we receive from BANES. The rate we receive from BANES for 3 and 4 year olds is currently £4.97 per hour. For funded 2 year olds we receive £7.96 per hour (the additional is to cover the extra staff we need to look after our younger children).

For more information about funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds, please visit the BANES website.

In line with other Pre-Schools, we find that this funding is insufficient to cover our costs, so we ask parents and carers for a consumables contribution of £1.25 per EYE funded hour. For example, for a child attending the full 15 funded hours per week, we would ask for a contribution of £18.75 per week. If you believe you may have difficulty in paying this contribution then please speak to us as you may be eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP).


£6.50 per hour for 3 and 4 year olds

£6.75 per hour for 2 year olds

(This includes any hours over your funded hours allowance and early drop off sessions)

We do also charge an administration fee to add your child to our records. This is a £20 non refundable charge to accompany your registration form.

Our non-funded charges are reviewed yearly by our committee.

If your child is sick or if you go on holiday, full fees are still required to be paid.

You may be able to access additional support for fee’s via the government childcare choices website.

Childcare choices has a range of information on how to access help with childcare fee’s.