Session Details
We are open Monday to Friday for a total of 30 hours per week. We have two options for sessions offered: a shorter morning session that doesn’t include lunch time and a full day session that does include lunch time. The hours are as follows:
Morning session: 9am - 12pm (3 hours):
Afternoon session: 12pm - 3pm (3 hours)
Full day session: 9am - 3pm (6 hours)
Siblings of children attending Oldfield Park Infants school can be dropped of at 8.30am. This is charged at our private fee rate for the 30 minutes prior to the session starting.
All children need to bring a small snack to each daily session.
Children who stay for the full day session will need to bring a packed lunch with them.
Ideas for lunch boxes can be found here:
Our Daily Routine
This is an outline of the typical activities which take place each day:
8.30am - Children of Oldfield Park Infants school can be dropped off. ( There is a charge for this)
9.00am - Children arrive, followed by welcome time, using Makaton signs.
9.30 am - 11.25am - Activity time, which may include: cooking, Outdoor Adventures, small group/ adult directed activity, physical play - outside where possible.
9.40am - 10.45am - Snack time, children are encouraged to be independent in pouring drinks, opening snack pots and packets.
11.25 am - Tidy up time
11.35am - Whole group time for short activities that encourage listening skills.
11.45am - We have recently introduced ‘Down time’ where we rest for 5-10 minutes before lunch - we may listen to some calming music, mindfulness, a story through our speaker. We sometimes light candles and turn the lights out to create a sense of calm.
12.00pm - Lunchtime - The children sit at tables of 5 children with an adult. Children are encouraged to open pots and packets, yoghurt lids, peeling satsuma’s for example. The adult sits with the children at the table to promote table manners, independence skills and communication.
12.00 pm - Home time for those who attend just for the morning session
1.00pm - Activity time, outside
2.25pm - Tidy up time
2.35pm - Story time/ singing/ circle time
3pm - Home time for all