Follow your Child’s Learning on Tapestry!

We use an online Learning Journey called Tapestry to record your child’s development. We take photographs regularly and add comments.

As a parent/carer you can access your child’s learning journey via the web page or an App that is available through your App store.

You can find a step by step guide on downloading and using the App on Android here and on IOS here.

There is also a parent guide which you may find helpful file here.

You can access the website by following here. You can also add your own photographs and comments of things that your child takes part in at home or out and about. This gives the children a great opportunity to share things that they have done with their Keyperson and friends.

Tapestry meets all of the current GDPR regulations and is only accessed by staff and parents.

You account is initially set up by the Pre-school sending an activation link to parents/ carers.